Slugs and snails and ... facials?

Sunday 26 April's Life/Style section in the NZ Herald (see Newsfront p6) brings us the latest ‘beauty trend' to hit our shores: the snail facial.

Yes, you read that correctly. Apparently one can (if one has a sufficiency of funds) already purchase Snail Soap, which contains “snail slime, virgin olive oil, honey and extracts from medicinal plants”. The slime component supposedly helps ‘beat' wrinkles (what's wrong with a bit of character?) & reduces scarring. We're told that “No one has come back and said it is rubbish or doesn't work,” but then, it might be a tad embarrassing to have to ‘fess up to spending $25/ bar on soap that didn't meet one's expectations. Apparently the next contribution gastropods have to make to our outer beauty is the snail facial: snails crawl about over your face, leaving their silvery mucus trails behind them. This probably does leave your face feeling a bit tighter, when the trails dry. But saying that “snail facials are believed to be very good” may well be an example of wishful thinking, especially in the absence of supporting data.

Snail slime does contain lectins, which are a class of glycoprotein; the amount and type of this substance vary with the species of snail. (Many years ago now, my Significant Other used to go out collecting them on dewy mornings, so that the lectin could be extracted and analysed.)

It also contains other proteins such as collagen & elastin, which probably comes in helpful for the slug species that indulge in balletic aerial sex at the end of a mucous bungee cord.

But as far as I can see the claims that smearing one's face with this slimy mix will encourage skin cells to make more of these proteins lack support. And indeed, quite why putting protein molecules (which are highly unlikely to be absorbed through your skin) on the dead outer surface of your skin would encourage the cells beneath to spring into activity, is not immediately clear.

Lectins are ‘sticky' molecules produced by plants (and algae), animals, fungi and prokaryotes, and are involved in communication between cells, defence against pathogens, fertilisation, metastasis of tumours, and appear to generate an inflammatory response (something that's picked up on by various ‘' sites such as Those from snail slime may have anti-microbial activity, but in absence of actual infection that would not be a burning reason to use it on one's face. And indeed, I think there's need for caution in their use, as it seems that bacteria such as E.coli can survive for quite some time in snail faeces. I'd certainly want to be sure that the snails had been kept long enough to evacuate their bowels prior to crawling over my skin!