Food industry exposé shocking and inspiring
Janelle Wallace (February 1, 2014)
Janelle Wallace reviews Salt Sugar Fat: How The Food Giants Hooked Us, by Michael Moss. Random House Publishing, 2013.
Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Michael Moss' book takes a compelling look at the US food industry and its drive to increase profits no matter what the consequences might be for the health of the nation. His research covers many angles from the politicising and manipulation of the Dietary Guidelines, to the technology used to determine the "bliss point" of foods, through to the advertising and selling of products despite the health risks.
The production and consumption of processed and convenience foods in New Zealand are increasing, as is the incidence of obesity and diabetes. Messages about healthy eating stand little chance when they have to compete with big advertising budgets and the desire for gratification.
Read this book to see what has happened in the US. It will shock you, educate you and ultimately inspire you to reassess your own food choices and those of your family. A trip to the supermarket will never be the same again.
Janelle Wallace is a retired dietitian living in Hamilton.