(February 1, 2010)
A non-remedy for a non-disease
I had to wait for my prescription at the pharmacy and while browsing the shelves noticed a new homeopathic remedy for white-tail spider bites. At $18.40 a small bottle it's money for jam! No, that metaphor will just not work; perhaps money for water would be better? White-tail spider bites have been blamed for a huge range of injuries but the scientific evidence has discounted this attribution. (Those pesky skeptics again...!) Still, I thought it rather amusing to see a 'non remedy' for a 'non disease'.
John Welch, Picton
The printed word - the best communication there is
Readers may be as amused as I was by the following quote from Tim LaHaye:
"The best way to reach the minds of people is the printed page. God chose the printed page to communicate with mankind. So how can you improve on that?"
No respectable skeptic would believe that even an American fundamentalist could be that stupid, so the reference is: Have a Nice Doomsday, by Nicholas Guyatt: an interview with LaHaye p 275.
Jim Ring, Nelson