A Little Light Reading
Jim Ring (November 1, 2006)
Jim Ring finds some material to pass the time on a recent flight.
Queensland is the home of young-earth creationism in Australia so it was perhaps not surprising that I found Creation Magazine for sale in the Brisbane airport. None of the other four Australian airports we visited displayed it. Curiosity overcame my reluctance to provide money for their cause.
This was volume 27 but I feel sure it has not been running for 27 years in this format. "Peer reviewed by leading creationary (sic) experts". As there are no adverts there is no legal necessity for listing the numbers of copies sold or estimated readership. I would like to know these figures.
The cover picture with a caption "DINGO: Australia's Wild Native Dog" suggested a wild-life theme and the glossy cover was just like hundreds of other magazines on the rack. However a few key words-fossil, God, Darwin, massive flood, evolution, suggested otherwise. Not to mention the web page address for Answers in Genesis (branches outside of the US have recently re-branded themselves as Creation Ministries International-ed.).
With all the present attention on Intelligent Design it is worth reminding ourselves that young-earth creationists are still very much around.
A letter page called Feedback (borrowed from New Scientist?) gives some indication of the readership. A letter from Lower Hutt thinks pet budgies prove a creator. I cannot quite follow the argument but apparently teaching one to say "Hello, God made me" is important.
The editorial attacks other publications-National Geographic, Time, and Scientific American, because they do not take creationist views seriously. I imagine these editors are trembling in their shoes. In contrast the editor remembers a young farmer who said, "When I drive around the countryside I see evidence for Noah's flood everywhere."
A number of news items taken (with acknowledgment) from New Scientist, Science, Nature, etc have the theme that new discoveries discredit science by proving that older ideas were wrong. If one believes that all answers lie in Genesis I suppose this is logical, but to me it is an entirely alien idea.
An article on UFOs and aliens surprised me but perhaps belief in a completely unsupportable worldview opens one's mind to more nonsense. Some famous pictures described as "genuinely unexplained sightings" help to plug a book for AiG. This apparently links abductions with demonology, and shows how "belief in evolution has opened the door to alien visitations." The book is claimed to provide answers for Christians puzzled by UFO phenomena.
The lead article on Dingoes is quite good until it gets to the historical problem. When did humans and dingoes actually arrive in Australia? Australians convinced that the earth is only about 6000 years old have huge problems in compressing their history to make it fit.
The second major article is on how the (Irish) Giant's Causeway was produced by the biblical flood about 4500BP over a very short period. This is hilarious because it is obviously meant to be serious. The author is a staffer at AiG with a BSc (Hons) in geology and the article has references to recent geological articles and journals. However he brushes over the problem of geological dates with "Once we realise the dates assigned to the causeway are not measured, but just someone's opinion, we can look at the evidence in a different light." He is in agreement with modern opinion that the Causeway was produced by a huge eruption followed by a flood. However, according to Richard Fortey in The Earth: An Intimate History that flood was the opening of the Atlantic Ocean.
All this is benign but three pages of material towards the back are not. The headlines for three articles:
- Darwin's Impact-The Bloodstained Legacy of Evolution
- Evolution and Social Evil
- America's Evolutionists: Hitler's Inspiration?
-would disgrace any publication.
While A Timeline of Evolution Inspired Terror features Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Pol Pot. I am not sure how Mao escaped here but he is mentioned in the text. Somehow Darwin is responsible for the behaviour of these men.
This would be funny if it was not serious; it is a timely reminder that it is important to keep creationists out of schools.