(November 1, 2004)
Ancient Celtic New Zealand - More Reasons Not To Believe
In connection with David Riddell's article about "Ancient Celtic New Zealand" (Skeptic, Winter 2004) your readers may be interested in my more detailed examination of the twaddle in Martin Doutré's book in two articles published in the Auckland Astronomical Society Journal last year.
In these I analysed the garbled astronomy and contrived mathematics with some rigour. I did my own survey of the Maunganui Bluff site on the ground, identifying clear examples of misrepresentation and deception, leaving me in no doubt that the Waitapu "stone observatory" and "survey network" are pure invention. More recently I have found other examples of deception on Doutré's website. No doubt this is not deliberate deception - I'm sure these people believe their own fabrications - but it is dangerous because many gullible people are sucked in by it.
This grossly misleading material is widely available in bookshops, libraries and websites, giving it an air of respectability. But there is no widely available corpus of published work to counter it. May I suggest that NZCSICOP find some way to commission investigators to research, publish and disseminate definitive books to expose and correct these deceptions case by case. We are dealing here with a growing trend. Crackpots are exploiting modern information and publishing technology, and freedom-of-speech principles, to spread fabrication posing as fact. We cherish freedom of speech ourselves, so we can't suppress this material, and it won't go away if we ignore it. Our only option is to match it punch-for-punch.
My articles are:
- An Ancient Megalithic Observatory Near Dargaville? I Don't Think So! AAS Journal, July 2003.
- Secret Astronomical Number Codes? Bunkum! AAS Journal, August 2003.
- These can be read at the Auckland Astronomical Society website ( On the home page select Journal, then select the issue.
Bill Keir
Greenhouse Effect: What would it take?
In this magazine, and at conferences, a number of skeptics seem to have classified the belief in anthropogenic climate change as nonsense, together with spoon-bending and astrology. I wonder if the opposition to a radical new scientific idea is not just a symptom of conservatism - resistance to change - as demonstrated by the historical reluctance of scientists to accept other iconoclastic beliefs such as tectonic plate movement or quantum theory. If so, this is a desirable characteristic (in moderation), because science has progressed only by slow, cautious steps.
Regrettably, the debate has remained at the level of vikings and grapevines, rather than (say) discussion as to whether increasing cloud cover constitutes a negative or a positive feedback loop. Remember that the theory of the enhanced Greenhouse Effect was well established long before any warming was actually observed (in the 1990s). I first became aware of it in 1970, but Sven Arrhenius published a paper on it back in 1896.
The letter is an open challenge to all Greenhouse skeptics, including Vincent Gray, Chris de Freitas, Owen McShane, Denis Dutton and Jim Ring. What empirical evidence would it require, over and above that which has been published in the first, second and third IPCC reports, for these people to publicly declare in these pages that they were wrong? I assume that (being good scientists) skeptics would be quite willing to change their beliefs when confronted with compelling evidence. That being the case, there would be no loss of face if that eventuality should arise. What would it take?
Piers Maclaren
Moral Values
Vincent Gray asks which combination of moral values I support. My values are irrelevant to the topic of this discussion, which concerns the efforts by Bruce Taylor to find a consensus on environmental policy. Gray leaves us in little doubt as to his own values - like the Model T Ford, they come in one colour only! He doesn't believe in consensus; in fact he opposes any environmental policy other than the continuing insanity of placing scientific "progress" before any other consideration. I am, it seems, "one of the few people who believes what comes out of the Pentagon". Well, not exactly. Others include the ex-CEO of the UK Met Office and the Chief scientist at the World Bank. The Pentagon warns of chaos as global warming continues. I am also "a sucker for disaster scenarios" because I quoted from a report in Nature which estimated that a quarter of all species will become extinct by 2050. His scorn is misplaced. I never suggested that global warming would be the sole cause of this. The shift in climate zones is too rapid for ecosystems to make corresponding shifts in location. He quotes from an unnamed reference which estimates three to five extinctions per year. This was indeed worth citing in more detail, since the best estimates of the "background" extinction rate are much higher than this!
His references to Darwinism and to evolution derive from Herbert Spencer's 19th century concept of Social Darwinism, which was an attempt to apply Darwinist ideas to politics. The fallacy is, of course, that "survival of the fittest" in a socioeconomic context has nothing to do with biological fitness. Over a century later, Gray perpetuates this fallacy. Like it or not, Homo "sapiens" is part of nature, and not separate from it.
Finally, environmentalism does not "fundamentally oppose modern technology, such as GE and nuclear energy". It does, however, advise the proper use of the precautionary principle.
Alan P Ryan
Personal Restraint
It is good to see Forum getting letters but the tone of some recent ones is disturbing. It should be possible to challenge somebody's views without resorting to personal attack; a little more politeness would help. In the last issue Vincent Gray found it necessary to defend his moral values; this should not be necessary.
I am not asking for editorial censorship, just personal restraint. Argue the case, do not attack the person, such attacks are somewhat self defeating. I may well believe that my intellectual opponents are blithering idiots but saying so in print merely gets them sympathy.
Jim Ring