Treasurer'’s Report 2002

The full copy of the audited financial accounts for NZCSICOP Inc for the year ending 31 December 2001 is available for viewing by anyone wishing to do so at the AGM. The Society Treasurer is Ian Short; the accounts were audited by Jane Jackman, a chartered accountant of Christchurch.

The statements of financial performance and financial position as shown in the auditor's report are fairly simple and self-explanatory.

Our main sources of income are from subs and interest on the term deposit.

Subscription income rose from $8,795.05 in 2000 to $9,628.25 in 2001, reflecting a growth in membership.

The $1,254.45 RWT refund from the IRD occurred because of an error on the part of the ANZ. This took some organising but finally we received our refund cheque. The bank assured me that all would be well in future. This was not to be and again this year we had to apply yet again. However, the situation cannot arise again as the savings account involved no longer exists.

Expenditure within the 2001 year has again exceeded income, by $2,857.03, but with the increase in subs in 2002, this should not be a factor in the foreseeable future.

The $747.63 RWT has been recovered and will appear again in next year's figures as income.

Website development costs of $6,750.00 were a once-off to establish the site and have all the archived NZ Skeptics for the past ten years made available online. Maintenance costs will be much less - estimated to be about $3,400, which includes updating the archive with new issues, expanding the site information and services as required and hosting.

We have yet to decide the future of the $20,000 currently held on term deposit and I expect there to be discussion on this at the AGM.

I have enjoyed another year of keeping the books.

Ian Short, Treasurer NZCSICOP Inc.