Annette Taylor (February 1, 2002)
Blairs 'rebirthed'
Tony Blair and Cherie took part in a 'rebirthing ritual' during a holiday in Mexico, says the Dominion (17 December). They were guided through the ritual while dipping in a Mayan steam bath. At least they were clean.
Psychic fails (as do we all)
It must be said that mystic powers called in to help find missing Christchurch teenager Ellon Oved have been a flop. Psychic Kathy Bartlett joined the search effort near a lake, carrying a board and examining the 'aura' of the area, the Dominion reports on December 5. However, the Eagle helicopter with heat-detecting equipment also failed to locate the 14 year old...
Reptiles have all the fun
Forget Tiger Woods, several hundred people paid $40 a head to attend a day-long session with visiting conspiracy theorist David Icke. He also gave an evening lecture at Victoria University, says the Sunday Star Times (November 4). A former British Green Party spokesman, Icke has raised eyebrows a few times - in 1991 during a BBC interview he proclaimed himself the son of God. But wait, there's more. His theory has it that these reptilian shape shifters invaded Earth thousands of years ago, interbreeding with humans and forming a power elite. Explains a lot when you think about it.
Yet more Yeti furballs
A group of British explorers claim to have found irrefutable proof of a 'yeti-like' creature on an Indonesian island. The Evening Post (31 October) says the team discovered a footprint and hair samples of a primate which has long lived in the mythology of tribes-people in Western Sumatra. A cast of the footprint and strands of coarse hair are being sent to Oxford University and Australia's University of Canberra for verification. Haven't heard anything yet... The same team are off this year to the Gobi Desert in search of the Mongolian Death Worm - a metre-long snake which is reputed to kill a person with one look.
Hairy stars
Reporter Mary Jane Boland and her 4-month-old puppy Max consulted pet astrologer Helen Hope in Australia, for the Evening Post (6 October). Hope has written two books about pet astrology - Starcats and Stardogs which were released here on September 27. No-one, the former New Zealander says, has declared her books rubbish and they are selling well in Australia and rights have just been sold to the US and Britain. She also works on people and countries and predicted that, because of the position of Uranus, things will improve for Air New Zealand. I'm sure the Government will be relieved to hear this. Over the last few months we were to have 'redefined' ourselves to the world as well. (That must have slipped past me.) So what came of the canine reading? Well, Max is a classic Gemini, is very intelligent but always in need of constructive discipline. And he's very special. I wonder what she'd say about my psychotic border collie.
Team gets divine help
A struggling English soccer team turned to religion by asking the local bishop to carry out an exorcism at the club's grounds, says the Evening Post (9 November). The bishop performed the exorcism to remove all evil spirits from Oxford United's Kassam stadium. It seems that a band of gypsies were moved on from the site and may have cursed it. Since the exorcism, it is said the team's fortunes have improved, and they drew their most recent game.
Nessie to star?
Fans of Nessie who hope to catch a glimpse of the legendary creature might now be in luck, says the Evening Post (3 November.) A moving webcam is now filming the murky depths of the Scottish Lake, 230m deep. Head of the project, Adrian Shine, said the lake had more fresh water than the whole of England and Wales - "There is room for a few mysteries, although we're not expecting to bump into Nessie." The webcam joins two other cameras observing the exploration of Britain's biggest lake. Check it out:
But is it art?
Michael Jackson's good friend Uri Geller is upset at being censored - Sony Music removed religious words and symbols from a picture he drew for Jackson's new album. The words God, Jerusalem, USA and Angel 2000 were all removed. Geller drew the black and white illustration on a napkin in Jackson's hotel room. The picture features the heads of a man and woman, the pyramids, a UFO and symbols representing love, peace and hope. Maybe he should have stuck to spoons.