Songs from the Skeptical Choir
Hugh Young (February 1, 1995)
Yes, Rhesus Monkey
(Tune: "Yes, Jesus Loves Me")
Rhesus monkey, this I know,
that the Bible Belt must go.
Trusting to authority
must give way to "test and see".
Yes, rhesus monkey,
Yes, rhesus monkey,
Yes, rhesus monkey,
The Bible Belt must go.
Rhesus monkeys in the jung-
-gle think Darwin's work was bung-
-gled, for evolution'ry
progress seems delusion'ry.
Yes, rhesus monkey, (x3)
The Bible Belt must go.
Rhesus monkey, don't get madder;
evolution is no ladder.
It's a bush and we are twigs --
you of dates, and we of figs.
Yes, rhesus monkey, (x3)
The Bible Belt must go.
Rhesus monkeys in the lab
wonder who picks up the tab;
ask, Who put man at the top,
Who says we must get the chop?
Yes, rhesus monkey, (x3)
The Bible Belt must go.
Rhesus monkey, give us time,
Homo sap. has far to climb,
Evolutionists are giants
compared with creation "science".
Yes, rhesus monkey, (x3)
The Bible Belt must go.
by Hugh Young