More Songs from the Skeptical Choir

Amazing James

(Tune: "Amazing Grace")

Amazing James, at last he came

to inspire a wretch like me;

I once was cool, but now I flame

thanks to (Amazing) James Randi!

'Twas James who bent a tablespoon,

mel-ting the heart o-f Kim Hill.

He could change a watch from nine to noon

and teach us all his skill.

He tuned us in, to a healer droll

who knew more than he should know,

and the healer's wife, "the voice of Knowl-

-edge" on his little radio.

He showed us how the psychics work

quackery in the Phillippines;

sticking in his fingers, out he'd jerk

chickens' guts and blood in streams.

Amazing James is in no way slack

to advance the sceptical art,

yet admires the Morning Glory's knack

of opening at sparrow fart.

Amazing James, at last he came

to inspire a wretch like me

I once was cool, but now I flame

thanks to (Amazing) James Randi!

by Hugh Young (idea by Eileen Bone)