Self-Improvement Courses

Zealand Publishing House, Tauranga

Reviewed by Bernard Howard

Feeling inadequate? No matter in which department you fall short of your ideal, the Zealand Publishing House has the answer to your problems.

Benefit cuts hurting? Scrape together $15 and buy Think and Grow Rich. WHubby's attention beginning to wander? Fascinating Womanhood will bring him panting to your bedside. Overweight? Worried about your health? No fewer than five books of advice for you, but don't try to follow them all at the same time, they are probably mutually contradictory.

Perhaps you take the longer view, and worry about things beyond the grave? Life After Death is yours for $15.

Really, though, why mess about picking and choosing. Aim high, and send a cheque today for all the fifteen books currently advertised by this firm of public benefactors. $219 is little enough to pay for perfection.