In memoriam...

The Skeptics have been saddened by the deaths of two of our most lively and engaged members.

Ray Carr, who was a founder of NZCSICOP, will be remembered as the most sunny and pleasant of human beings, one of the world's natural, authentic gentlemen. Long active in causes promoting rational, free thought, Ray was eager to put his weight behind the Skeptics when David Marks suggested the formation of the organisation in 1985.

Ray was a cheerful presence at every one of our national meetings and most recently had been taking pot shots at the offering of courses in astrology and other rubbish under the official imprimatur of adult education. Our heartfelt sympathies to Barbara Carr. Ray will be missed by us.

Keith Lockett, another eager member and editor until last year of the New Zealand Skeptic, died suddenly of heart failure in Thailand on March 30th. Keith had been working as a volunteer teacher at Montfort College, Chiang Mai, with his wife, Joan, since September. At the time of his death, Keith was cooperating with a local teacher to translate into Thai a physics textbook he had written at the behest of the College. He was also avidly learning Thai himself.

Keith, who had long taught physics in New Plymouth, was devoted to uncovering delusions of pseudoscience and New Age nonsense. A sharp wit and wide knowledge, coupled with a delightful impatience for intellectual garbage, made him a real asset to the New Zealand Skeptics.

We mourn the loss of these two friends and supporters.