Join us in Christchurch…
Denis Dutton (February 1, 1990)
Dear NZCSICOP Member,
The Skeptics have organised some splendid meetings over the years, but our 1989 conference at the University of Canterbury promises to be the hottest ever—peaking at about 900 degrees celsius, to be precise....
- Who are the UFO faithful, and why do they believe?
- What are the cruel illusions alternative medicine is lately offering cancer victims?
- We know lots about paranormal scams overseas, but what are the specifically Kiwi contributions to paranormal nonsense?
- What can the government do to promote in New Zealand a more informed regard for science and rationality?
- How can anybody learn to read palms, tea leaves, or horoscopes? (We'll teach you at the Sunday morning workshop!)
- Finally, do you really want to learn exactly how to bend a spoon, Gellerstyle? Australian magician and Geller-debunker Ben Harris will give lessons.
All this, plus a spectacle so terrifying it will make All Blacks faint dead away, or at least weep warm tears: Barefoot skeptics will walk over hot coals. Firewalking courses cost upwards of $500 when promoted by paranormal scam artists, but the New Zealand Skeptics will teach you this astonishing art merely for the price of the conference registration. (Overly skeptical Skeptics can watch from the sidelines.)
So bring your spouse, bring your friends—perhaps even your asbestos boots—and join us for an outstanding meeting!
Registration Form
Pre-enrol me for NZCSICOP's Fourth Annual Convention, to be held at the University of Canterbury, all day Saturday, September 2nd and till noon Sunday, September 3rd.
Member: $25.00[ ]
Member plus spouse: $35.00 [ ]
Non-member: $30.00 [ ]
(Enquire about family rates.)
I wish to have lunch with the group on Saturday: $14.00 [ ]
I wish to attend the Saturday night Annual Dinner, to be addressed by Brian Priestley, with Media Awards and complimentary firewalk: $29.00 [ ]
Please reserve accommodation at the University's Rochester Hall for the nights of
September 1st [ ] September 2nd [ ] ($30.00 per night, includes breakfast)
Include cheque with this registration form. Please respond before the end of July!
Return to B.H. Howard, 150 Dyers Pass Rd. Christchurch 2. (phone 320-521)