
Thanks again to members who have sent me material. I now have so much, that for the first time, I shall have to hold some over until the next issue. Thanks to H. Ruis of Tokoroa who kindly sent me the reply from Irene F. Hughes. It now appears that the psychic never visited N.Z. at all and her facilities are only available from her Chicago office and not from Auckland. She was not willing to send out copies of her citations for crime busting.

I eagerly followed up the advertisement in the Listener for the N.Z. UFO Report and I urge all members to send off for their copy. It is by no means as barmy as I had expected. In fact the editorial struck a chord in me with its familiar apology for lateness. While it does accept uncritically that all unexplained sightings over N.Z. are the result of alien space ships, it gives prominence to several hoaxes perpetrated by radio stations seeking publicity and it does have a small section on astronomy. Moreover the two main articles are very critical of abduction stories and one finishes on a note that we would wish to echo "...must induce doubt that the abductions occur anywhere outside the imaginations of those who, for whatever reason, experience them_and.to.those. .whoe,;-with-whatever-motive; report them."