Irene F. Hughes
Keith Lockett (February 1, 1989)
Several members have kindly sent in a copy of Irene's advertisement in the Listener. We have decided not to reproduce it because it will be familiar to many. However, member DJ. Ibell of Birkenhead followed up the advertisement, writing for details of Irene's abilities as a crime sleuth. We are very grateful for this kind of follow-up, it is just the sort of thing needed to keep the society vigorous and challenging. He has kindly sent me the results of his letter.
Four pages of prepared biographical details were faxed from 500 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1040, Chicago, Il 60611. In these notes, Irene claims to be a Minister, to have been 'under contract' to find Al Capone's hidden treasure, to have found the kidnapped Canadian diplomats in the 1960s, to be a member of the Congressional Advisory Board, 'which consists of lay persons who work with the American Security Council' and claims to have been consultant to many Hollywood film stars including the only one mentioned, Arlene Dahl [Editor: Arlene who?]. A number of her students have "gone on to be Unity Ministers or have become well-known Millionaires or taken positions in high places." She says she was "chosen by the BBC recently to be the Medium (holding a Seance) with the last survivors of the Titanic, in BBC's documentary, The Titanic, A Hint Of Murder". Has anyone seen this programme? Was it made? If so, was it broadcast?
But it is her claims to have helped the police which intrigue us most (After all, we have several unsolved cases here). She says "Irene specializes in Helping Law Enforcement Authorities to solve Murder Cases, and has helped them in many states, three countries abroad and locally. She constantly works on such cases and never charges for that particular type of service." She says "Irene was the Only Psychic invited to attend the National Homicide Convention in California (made up of the Attorney Generals [Editor: Surely that should be Attorneys General?] and other high ranking law enforcement officers) as a Keynote speaker. She was given a citation for her work in helping to solve violent crimes, particularly murders. She has received numerous letters, plaques and citations from such authorities for her accurate work in such areas."
I wonder if any member would be willing to write to Chicago and check up on these "letters, plagues and citations." Is a copy of her "keynote" address available? and what about the "citation" for her work from California? If these things do not, as I suspect, exist, then she lays herself open to a civilian prosecution for misrepresentation. I can find no reference to Irene in any issue of the Skeptical Inquirer.
Readers will be relieved to know that Irene has an explanation for her extraordinary powers. She writes "Would you believe that Irene has written an 'Economic' Newsletter, based on her very deep insights using her ESP Plus her Astrological knowledge. And if you really want to know what ESP is: You Have Two Brains, A Logical Reasoning Brain And A Sensitive, Intuitive Brain—what ESP is—is the Greater Use (far more than the average 10% so said by the medical profession that most people use of their Logical Brain) of the Intuitive Sensitive Brain. So—Extrasensory Perception is simply (in Irene's understanding—and She Should Know) the Natural Use Of Skills Of A Mental Nature, Using That Sensitive Intuitive Brain, but also having the Ability To Merge The Use Of Both (Which Most People Do Not). Therefore ESP is a Natural Talent—and Irene was Born A Natural Psychic just as Mozart was born a Natural Musician/Author. [editor: Author ???]. This should clear up the ridiculous misunderstanding that ESP is 'witchcraft, satanism or any other abnormal talent!' Anyone—of Any Religious Belief—Must use their extrasensory Brain in Prayer!! It works, according to Irene in sending out Magma waves that travel fast as Light Waves—and can 'Receive' Impressions From Anywhere In The World. She Believes That The Psychic 'Receives' Impressions and then puts them into words—and this is why the public says Psychics 'Make' predictions, which is totally false—they Receive them! Then, The Sensitive Intuitive Brain Transforms These Magma Waves Into Pictures, Sounds, Symbols, That The Psychic Verbalizes. Those Who Say They 'Don't Believe In Psychics' are Saying That 'They Don't Use But One Brain!' Think about it—It's A Natural Talent, And You Can sharpen Your Talents, No Matter What They Are—Through The Greater Use Of That Brain. So all you have to do is write to Irene for a "Wonderful, Enlightening, Entertaining, Educational Experience!" It would be interesting to know how many people responded to Irene's Listener advertisement, how many people were taken in by such a blatant nonsensical appeal to greed. It is damning criticism of our educational system that such an advert could be expected to repay its cost (of the order of $5,000) and maintain a P.O. Box and office (complete with Customer Relations personnel) in Auckland. I have received hints (no more) of criticisms that the Newsletter contains too much about the inanities of loonies and not enough about methods of combating them. If there is indeed such criticism, I should like to hear it; the Newsletter exists to fulfill the wishes of members and I want to know what members want. That we do print so much about our barmy brethren is because we have an inexhaustible supply of material on them and virtually nothing on the positive methods we should be using to limit their activities. I personally find the self descriptions of the work of psychics fascinating as I try to comprehend what goes on in their brains. As for combating their actions, I always enter into correspondence with every local psychic as soon as he or she advertises for trade. I invariably find that after one, or at most two, letters from me when I have, as I think, totally demolished their arguments, they fail to respond. If they do reply it is usually to say "Yes I can see that your arguments would be convincing to anyone who did not have access to other means of information, but I am in touch with the infinite powers of the universe and I can not possibly be wrong. At present I generally say something like "If you have these wondrous abilities can you give me an example of these enlightening messages that you have obtained from the ultimate source of power?" It is at this point that the correspondence is closed by my adversary. Up till now, I have never closed a correspondence with a psychic, but I am beginning to wonder if that is anything to boast about.
The most disheartening feature of being editor of the Newsletter is that I must have written some 30 letters to various members or skeptics here and overseas soliciting articles and totally without result. We badly need members who are prepared to undertake original research into the behaviour of our native nutters. Is no one willing to spend an hour at their local Spiritualist Church and tell us precisely what happens there? Can we have an account of your grappling with your local zanies? Can we have more contributions, without the editor taking up so much space?