Two Messages from the Treasurer

  1. We now have nearly ninety subscribing members. When | divide them according to their addresses, and also for the difference in population between the North and South Islands, it appears that South Islanders are about four times more skeptical than are North Islanders.

Come on, you gullible North Islanders!

  1. Our recent National Convention attracted a pleasing level of publicity and the challenges we threw down to psychics to come forward to be tested are likely to tempt a number of them to try to convince us of their powers. To set up such tests could prove to be expensive and possibly overstrain the finances of our organisation in its infancy. To avoid the embarrassing and damaging publicity which would follow either having to refuse to test a volunteer psychic, or setting up a test which is deficient in some way, we need to accumulate funds additional to the income from our modest subscription.

Donations to our funds would be gratefully received and acknowledged. If you wish your gists to be tagged specifically to your pet project, this could easily be done.

B. H. Howard