
For many readers this newsletter will be their main method of contact with other skeptics. It is essential then that it be a lively and thought provoking assessment of the scene in New Zealand. The stimulating and amusing material can only come from members. It is true that there is plenty of good stuff in the Skeptical Inquirer and the Australian Skeptic but I do not want to use that as I suspect that most N.Z. sceptics will receive one of those publications already. Hence this is a strong plea for articles. I have already sent some begging letters to particular members and I shall send more. We also need members to send me cuttings from the press with examples of fatuity and danger (I seem to see very little of this in our New Plymouth papers, perhaps we are more sensible than elsewhere in N.Z.). Please send me material to make this a trenchant, relaxed and informative publication.

Keith Lockett. 72 Awanui St., New Plymouth.